Sunday 14 April 2013


"storytelling is telling a joke, there is a goal to it, it needs to have a change, connect with it." Andrew Stanton

Play with Narrative, anything can form a narrative, conecting the story teller and narrative. We are always telling and working with narrative including still design. Design the beginning and end. Resolve them at the end -title/credit. How to structure story get one before you put ideas down how will we view camera angles think about key points in the story. Timmings. How long will it last for? What point will it happen on the timeline.


Your eyes are the camera, discribe camera movement. One continuis flow or scenes? cut and edit shots? communicate movement e.g arrows. fast cuts? slow transitions? Digital or anaglog. Seconds? Frames?

12 FPS -Pokemon used this due to it being cheeper and simple.
25 FPS - Uk standard
30 FPS - American system